Thursday, February 4, 2010

Still a Hitch in my Giddy Up

Hey everyone!  Nice sunny day out there today.  Not exactly a heat wave at 27 degrees, but I'll take the sunshine.

Whew! I seriously over booked my calendar this afternoon!  I hate when I do this because it's almost a given that I will be running behind all afternoon.  Oh well I'm sure the candidates won't mind sitting tight for a bit.  I'm usually right on time for all my meetings.  Hate to keep people waiting.  I just really like to see as many people as I can manage to fit into my schedule.  The more people I see, the quicker I can find the right candidate to hire!

Injury Update: The hip flexor is still better than last week, but not any better than how it felt on Monday.  At this point it is just totally frustrating.  Last night I did some arms and abs as well as some yoga poses.  I miss doing my favorite Camel posture so decided to give them a shot after doing some stretching.  I think that was a mistake.  The hip kind of yelled at me. Lesson learned I guess.

Here at work today I was walking down the hall and I said to one of the guys (he practices yoga too!)...I'm walking better huh? He replied...You are but you still have a little hitch in your giddy up! Yeah, I know, I know. But at least I don't look like that penguin anymore!  I like penguins and all, I just don't want to walk like one, ya know?

So lunch was approaching and what's a girl to do? I wasn't really hungry but knew I need something to take me through the busy afteernoon.  The guys are ordering sushi again...Sounds good to me! Plus had an oh so lovely Honeybell Orange...Isn't it a beauty! Delish

You guy's ever notice that when you can't do your normal cardio workouts your appetite pretty much disappears!  I hate that.  Truly do!

I sense an afternoon latte is in my future if I can find a few minutes to step away.  I wish Startbucks delivered!!!  If not I have some devine Dark Hot Cocoa that I could substitute. We'll see how it plays out.

Have a great afternoon.  And I have to say thanks to all my bloggie friends for your encouraging  words. You guys all totally make my day!  Seriously, you really do.  Your words mean more than you know. What a great community we have!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!



  1. Due to your post about the pumpkin spice latte the other day, I am currently sipping a skinny vanilla latte. Yum!
    That was cute, "a hitch in your giddyup"
    and yes, this is a great little circle of virtual friends! Love it!

  2. BYC: Haha! Oh lattes we love you so! I'm sure it was great. I always get to the end of it and wish there was more!
